I'm trying to follow your advices by using the Jakarta commons-dbcp.
A properly configured connection pool which is created with the dbcp can
network connection problems as the stale connections are droped from the
When a connection is requested, the connection factory validates the
connection before it
is returned from the pool. So, when a connection is requested from the pool
(a new connection will be constructed if no idle
connections reside in the pool or an idle connection will be activated)
either a valid connection
will be returned or an error will occure.
I tried to use cayenne together with a data source created by dbcp and the
org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDriver so
that connections will be obtained from the connection pool.
The problem is that I can't understand how cayenne manages database
Consider a java thread that periodically performs the same query on a
What I want to do is the following:
1. Get a connection from the pool.
2. Perform the query by using this connection
3. Release the connection
This algorithm may ensure that the query will be always performed with a
valid connection.
If the query is to be performed during a network down time then an exception
may be thrown.
Then query may keep on trying until the network is up again. When the
network is stabilized then a valid
connection will be returned from the pool and the query will be performed
It seems that cayenne acquires a connection the first time that the query
has to be performed and then uses the
same connection in any subsequent query execution. If there was a way to
close the connection after the query execution then
cayenne would be enforced to request a connection from the pool for each
query execution. Such a process could
solve the stale connections problem which may be arised due to network
Is there any way to close the connection after a query execution?
What do you think about my reasoning in realtion to this connection recovery
Vassilis Raxenidis
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andrus Adamchik" <andru..bjectstyle.org>
To: <cayenne-use..bjectstyle.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 7:14 PM
Subject: Re: Recovery from Network error
> Hi,
> This is not a problem with the DataContext per se, but rather with the
> underlying javax.sql.DataSource. If the DataSource knows how to
> reconnect, DataContext can still be reused. Now, since different JDBC
> drivers handle dropped connections differently, Cayenne doesn't handle
> all of them. Oracle is handled pretty well, MySQL has a "reconnect"
> feature:
> http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/faq/deploy.html#reconnect
> Now what are your options with Sybase.. There are other DataSource
> implementations that have advanced reconnect feature. E.g. Jakarta
> commons-dbcp - http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/ . You can use
> them with Cayenne.
> 1. If you are deploying in a web container like Tomcat, you can map a
> shared DBCP DataSource per Tomcat documentation, and use a
> JNDIDataSourceFactory configured here:
> http://objectstyle.org/cayenne/modelerguide/common-tasks/create-data-
> node.html
> 2. If you run a standalone application, you can write your own factory
> class that implements org.objectstyle.cayenne.conf.DataSourceFactory
> and instantiates DBCP pool. We would gladly accept such factory as a
> contribution to Cayenne :-).
> Andrus
> On Feb 11, 2004, at 9:27 AM, Vassilis Raxenidis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use cayenne together with Sybase.
> > If the network goes down while trying to execute a query (for example
> > by
> > calling performIteratedQuery of DataContext)
> > then the following exception is thrown:
> > org.objectstyle.cayenne.CayenneException: [v.1.0.2 October 27 2003]
> > Error
> > getting ResultIterator: Global Exception:
> > java.sql.SQLException: Can't obtain connection. Request timed out.
> > So far so good as the databse server can't be reached due to network
> > connection problem.
> > But when the network connection to database server is recovered any
> > subsequent call of performIteratedQuery method on the same
> > DataContext instance keeps on throwing the same exception. Is that
> > logical?
> > Is there any recovery actions that have to be taken on the DataContext
> > object after a network connectivity problem is detected?
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Vassilis Raxenidis
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