Since now our website now needs to support both branches of Cayenne,
1.0.* and 1.1*, our original paradigm of "website == release docs" no
longer works.
Instead I created a separate project in CVS called "cayenne-site" that
will keep the website pages independent from Cayenne release. Its build
scripts can "embed" documentation from various versions of Cayenne, so
for instance we can have links to both 1.0 and 1.1 API docs and user
guide. Cayenne distro from now on will be shipped with a trimmed
version of documentation - no more "news" page or anything like that.
I just checked in the first version of "trimmed" Cayenne docs, so it
will go to the next nightly build. Cayenne-site project will go live
together with M5 sometime next week. Please report any documentation
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