Craig Jones <> wrote:
> I need help figuring out how to recall a data object given the PK.
> Expression qual = ExpressionFactory.inExp("getId", idList); //
> Tried with and w/o the "get"
> SelectQuery cayenneQuery = new SelectQuery(MyObject.class,
> qual);
> return ctxt.performQuery(cayenneQuery);
> But Cayenne can't resolve the expression (presumably because the PK
> property is not part of the mappings in the XML file?)
> How do I tell Cayenne that the getId property is available for searching
> without mucking up the auto-PK generation?
You have to match a db expression instead obj expression. Check for
inDbExp() or create it based on inExp.
Here's a generic method I use (all my DataObjects inherit from
Alternatively, you can hardcode the name of the primary key attribute.
public static GenericEntity objectMatchingPrimaryKey(DataContext
aDataContext, Class aClass, Object aPrimaryKeyValue)
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("in
GenericRecord.objectMatchingPrimaryKey(DataContext, Class, Object)");
EntityResolver anEntityResolver = aDataContext.getEntityResolver();
DbEntity aDbEntity = anEntityResolver.lookupDbEntity(aClass);
List pkDbAttributes = aDbEntity.getPrimaryKey();
if (0 == pkDbAttributes.size()) throw new
CayenneRuntimeException("no primary key found for class=" + aClass + ".");
if (1 != pkDbAttributes.size()) throw new
CayenneRuntimeException("multi-field primary key found for class=" + aClass
+ ".");
DbAttribute primaryKeyDbAttribute =
String primaryKeyName = primaryKeyDbAttribute.getName();
Expression qualifier = ExpressionFactory.matchDbExp(primaryKeyName,
SelectQuery query = new SelectQuery(aClass, qualifier);
List aList = aDataContext.performQuery(query);
if (1 == aList.size()) return (GenericEntity)aList.get(0);
if (0 == aList.size()) return null;
throw new MoreThanOneException("Found " +
String.valueOf(aList.size()) + " results for primary key=" +
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