RE: Filter a to-many relationship

From: McDaniel, Joe R. (
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 09:04:51 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Cayenne in a framework -> Value Objects"


    One way is to move the query down to the getStuff object level. I
    initially thought I should start "at the top" of my object tree but
    found that starting lower allowed me to do the query up still and gain
    better control over the local objects and its children. This really
    achieves most of the desired results for me and creates a complex query.
    Using the preload methods can help, too.

    You can also create a view in the database.

    I have not figured out how to create a view with the GUI tool, but that
    should be an option.

    You can also do a generalized query with the macro language (some
    examples are on the list in response to my own questions).



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