how to modify primary key cache size in mysql?

From: Dan Kim (
Date: Tue Jul 13 2004 - 22:21:08 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: how to modify primary key cache size in mysql?"


    i know this question has been asked a few times before, but the posts
    seemed a little dated and i wasn't sure which versions people were using.

    i am using cayenne 1.0.6 with mysql. i am looking to reduce the size of
    the primary key cache size from it's default size of 20 to something
    smaller. i understand this is set to 20 for performance reasons, but i
    have noticed random behavior where if the cache is not used, then there
    are large gaps in the ids in the table. thus, i could have consecutive
    entries jumping 20 ids each time, which could eat up id values quickly.

    my question is, is there a configuration setting in a file somewhere that
    i can change to adjust this, or do i need to do this programatically? any
    answers (and examples if possible) would be greatly appreciated.

    again, i am working with mysql with cayenne 1.0.6. thanks very much, esp.
    to all the cayenne developers.


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