modeller selecting a objentity attribute row

From: Twan Kogels (
Date: Thu Jul 29 2004 - 07:20:46 EDT

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael: "RE: Problems fro begginer."


    Today i've started my second project which uses cayenne and i'm busy
    modelling the data layer with cayenne modeller. To be really up to date i
    downloaded the latest beta.

    (This isn't really a bug, but it's a bit annoying)
    I create a ObjEntity and add several attributes. Now i change the name of a
    attribute by clicking on the attribute row. The row gets selected. This
    selection makes the values in the row almost unreadable (black on dark
    grey, my eyes can't take high brightness so my screen displays white as
    light grey and dark gray as black). Screenshot:

    Is it possible that the values in the selected row get inverted (become
    white) just a it is the case when selecting a attribute row of a DBEntity?


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