
From: Todd O'Bryan (toddobrya..ac.com)
Date: Tue Aug 03 2004 - 19:56:50 EDT

  • Next message: Todd O'Bryan: "IGNORE Enumerations message"

    Last spring I developed a small project which had some types which were
    basically enumerations (e.g., user roles: "student, teacher, admin" and
    multiple choice question categories). I had them listed as
    relationships to other entities (a user had a role, a question had a
    category) and I set up the relationship to use the ids of the entities.

    Now, however, I'm revisiting this project and when I started it, I
    realized my roles had not been loaded into the database. I can do that
    manually, but if I give my students this code to work on, they'll all
    have to populate the database manually, too. In addition, if I add new
    roles, I'll need to make sure their ids are different than the old
    ones. If I were to accidentally muff the role table, I would have to
    make sure that when I recreated it, the ids of the roles matched the
    previous ones.

    So, here's what I'm wondering:

    Should I, instead, have the relationship key on the values of the
    enumerated objects (which are just Strings) so that, as long as I don't
    change them, they are interchangeable without even knowing what the PKs
    are. Currently, these are all subclasses of an Enum object which has a
    convenience method to get an object given the class and value I'm
    looking for. I was thinking of creating a static initializer for the
    classes that checks to make sure the number of values matches the
    number defined in the class and inserts any that are missing. That way,
    I can add categories,

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