Hello Andrus,
Tuesday, September 7, 2004, 1:00:09 AM, you wrote:
AA> If this is just such simple change, I would manually add a column to
AA> DB, and then manually add a corresponding attribute to DbEntity in
AA> CayenneModeler (and then you can "Sync ObjEntity with DbEntity).
Ok. That's what I was figuring. But what should one do in a not so trivial case? I know enough forethought should go in at the beginning, but people make mistakes while others change their minds (user requirements). Hopefully this all happens during the dev stage, so you're not impacting a production system, but even on a dev system, it would be a pain in the neck to lose all that data.
Steve's DBUnit ant solution looks nice, but it might be nice for data modeler to have an import/export dump facility.
AA> Reverse-engineering may be an overkill, as you may loose some of the
AA> model customizations (if you made any), such as flattened relationships
AA> or non-default names.
Ahh, I hadn't considered this. I'll make sure not to do that then. My intention with the reverse engineering was to make sure that what I did in data modeler definitely matched against the db (i.e., that I didn't miss a step).
-- Best regards, Kevin mailto:nirvdru..egativetwenty.net
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