Hello Michael,
Wednesday, September 8, 2004, 10:58:14 AM, you wrote:
GM> You can certainly pass your primary key around in the URL, but keep in
GM> mind this opens the application up to spoofing (which, depending on the
GM> nature of your application, could be a very bad thing).
Yeah, this is just used to pull out a bookmark. The worst that could happen is the wrong bookmark is pulled, or a null object results.
Hopefully I'm not teetering too much on a more Tapestry related question, but what are other (read: better) approaches for doing this?
GM> You can use the new
GM> DataObjectUtils (assuming you have a recent release of Cayenne) to fetch
GM> the object based upon the primary key:
GM> http://www.objectstyle.org/cayenne/api/cayenne/org/objectstyle/cayenne/DataObjectUtils.html
This worked great. Thanks a lot. Originally I was just trying to pass the data object itself, but apparently it's not Serializable, so the only thing I was getting of any value in my listener method was the object id anyway. But if Cayenne's caching, passing the whole object was probably a waste anyway.
-- Kevin
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