RE: [OT, Mac OS X] CayenneModeler and Java 1.4.2_05 upgrade

From: Gentry, Michael (
Date: Wed Sep 15 2004 - 10:29:38 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: [OT, Mac OS X] CayenneModeler and Java 1.4.2_05 upgrade"

    I've actually been toying with the idea of making an OS X version of the
    modeler. It bugs me that it doesn't look like an OS X application (even
    though Apple allows for that if you use Swing -- even Eclipse, using
    SWT, looks OS X-like), doesn't have all the features I'd like (I really
    miss being able to drill down through relationships on entities like in
    EOModeler), keyboard shortcuts don't work (as expected --
    command-c/command-v get you nowhere), controls behave differently, etc.
    If I wanted a cluttered-up UI with different looks and feels for every
    application, I'd use Linux + X Windows. No offense. I just don't like
    having to wear a Windows hat on OS X.

    I could use Xcode to create a Java-based Cocoa application, have full
    use of the Application Kit and, of course, Interface Builder, and use
    the Cayenne/Modeler JARs to manage the model, do validation, etc.

    Of course, it would take time (always an issue) and would be OS X
    specific (which seems like a bad thing, unless you are using OS X).


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrus Adamchik []
    Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:42 PM
    Subject: [OT, Mac OS X] CayenneModeler and Java 1.4.2_05 upgrade

    A few days ago I installed Java 1.4.2_05 update on my PowerBook. The
    good news is that CayenneModeler "plastic look and feel" started to
    look and feel like the Windows version it was designed for (header font
    sizes, etc.)

    The bad news is that all menus and drop downs suffer from some weird
    bug. Menus do not clean last selection between the clicks (e.g. if I do
    "Tools -> Reengineer DB Schema", and then after some time open "Tools"
    menu again, "Reengineer DB Schema" still appears pressed). Dropdowns
    are much worse though - they cache the selection from another
    previously active (and unrelated) dropdown, so if during DataNode
    configuration you select an adapter, and then click on user names, user
    names drop down will show a list of adapters!! When you move the mouse
    around, it gradually refreshes the list to show correct values.

    Sure enough the same code runs just fine on Win 2K, Java 1.4.2_05. Go


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