Re: DATETIME type in mysql?

From: Twan Kogels (
Date: Fri Oct 15 2004 - 03:40:30 EDT

  • Next message: Twan Kogels: "RE: DATETIME type in mysql?"

    Hello Mike,

    Thanks for the reply. I just tryed your solution and it works perfect. I
    first had my doubs because TIMESTAMP and DATETIME have different formats
    when you look in the database, but mysql seems to accept a TIMESTAMP value
    for a DATETIME column. Mysql only loses the milliseconds part of a
    TIMESTAMP, but that isn't a problem for me.

    As i don't work from source i've wrote my own adapter. I had some problem
    to understand why the constructor of JDBCAdapter gets called when using
    MySQLAdapter, but that just seems to be happening. As a reference here's my
    small adapter:
    import org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.mysql.*;
    import org.objectstyle.cayenne.dba.*;

    public class CustomMySQLAdapter extends MySQLAdapter{
       public CustomMySQLAdapter() {
         this.typesHandler =
    types.xml should be copied to mytypes.xml and placed in the directory where
    the adapter is placed.

    I've not yet tested this procedure throughly but i seems to work.

    About the modeler:
    I had some major problems getting my custom adapter to work with the
    modeler. The adapter was in the classpath, the modeler could see it, but
    when i entered the adapter classname the field turned red and the blue hint
    said "cannot find adapter". I had made a postgresql adapter in the past so
    i did know i did nothing wrong with the classpath. After a lot of strugling
    i discovered that the constructor of my adapter did throw a exception (i
    forgot to include mytypes.xml in the .jar file). Maybe it's a idea to
    display a stack trace when a custom adapter could not be found, that way
    the user would know "hey modeler can find my adapter, but my adapter throws
    a exception which the modeller sees as adapter not found exception".


    At 21:43 14-10-2004, you wrote:
    >Twan Kogels <> wrote:
    > > Mysql also has a DATETIME type, that's used for date+time values, for
    > > example "10-10-2004 10:29". I've looked into the Modeler but could not
    > > the DATETIME type for a DBentity. I've found DATE (only used for dates
    > > "10-10-2004") and TIME (only used for time "10:29").
    > >
    > > If you want to use date and time then the only choice seems to TIMESTAMP,
    > > but that type has very strange non standard effects in mysql.
    > >
    > > Does cayenne supports DATETIME type of mysql or is there any other way
    > > around the TIMESTAMP problem?
    >You can change what database types are used for any particular adaptor by
    >changing org/objectstyle/cayenne/dba/mysql/types.xml
    >If you're working with the source, you can just modify the file directly.
    >If not, you can create your own adaptor subclass that uses your own
    >types.xml file, and specify the subclass.
    > <jdbc-type name="TIMESTAMP">
    > <db-type name="DATETIME"/>
    > </jdbc-type>
    >If this works as expected, you might submit a JIRA issue (which should look
    >similar to this one for Oracle that changes from DATE to TIMESTAMP.)

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