Re: out of memory error

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sat Oct 16 2004 - 13:35:55 EDT

  • Next message: Jürgen Saar: "Re: Re: filtering to-many relationship list"


    The easiest way to see whether you have some unneeded massive fetches
    and generally to understand what Cayenne is doing behind the scenes is
    to turn on SQL logging

    If you don't see anything suspicious in the logs (like "returned
    10000000 rows" for a select query), then your app is leaking elsewhere.
    If you do, you'll need to see what triggered such query (and when). I
    suspect you are somehow tripping to-many relationships from lookup
    tables pointing to consumer, triggering unneeded consumer fetch. In
    most cases you may actually remove such relationships from the mapping
    (and a Java class) all together.


    On Oct 16, 2004, at 1:13 PM, Oliver Layug wrote:

    > I already increased the heap memory to around 500 mb.
    > I was able to compile and run it but when i opened
    > another session, i again got an out of memory error.
    > Am I loading the entire consumer table into memory?
    > Thanks for the reply,
    > Oliver

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