The first 1.2 milestone was released tonight. Download it from
It includes a few smaller things not available in 1.1, but the most
important one is CAY-243
(http://objectstyle.org/jira/secure/ViewIssue.jspa?key=CAY-243). I
promised for some time to provide support for auto-incrementing columns
(aka "identity" columns on SQLServer). M1 is the first major step in
this direction. It includes modeler support for "auto" DbAttributes and
allows Cayenne current PK generator to coexist with DB schemas that
have identity columns. What that means is that:
* DbAttributes can be configured in the Modeler as "auto"
* On SQLServer and MySQL Modeler can be used to create tables with
"auto" columns (on other DBs this is simply ignored).
* Cayenne PK generator can be used to populate auto columns [in the
past SQLServer would throw an exception if you do that, but I found a
SQLServer-specific workaround; MySQL worked fine in the past].
What's not there yet:
* Cayenne still doesn't take advantage of auto columns for real, rather
it "coexists" with them. I am working on full support, but since there
are people who need to use Cayenne with existing schemas *right now*, I
figured I'd release what I have. IMO M1 provides a reasonable
transparent workaround, so once full auto columns support is done,
there hopefully will be no "migration" needed, just swapping
* Modeler can't reverse-engineer "auto" setting for DB attributes
(though it can generate it when creating DB schema). AFAIK there is no
support for that in JDBC API. Though there is probably a db-specific
way to achieve that. If anyone has working ideas, let me know.
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