you forgot to include the list address, so I am forwarding this...
Thanks for providing this perspective of somebody with background in doing
straight SQL access from the application.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: New User alert
From: "McDaniel, Joe" <>
Date: Thu, December 2, 2004 4:37 pm
To: <>
In addition to Andrus's comments, my biggest learning curve was in
thinking about database from an Object point-of-view. I tended to think
of doing a query from the top table down through the joins while the
better OO way of thinking -- in Cayenne, at least -- is to use a table
(Object) down near the end of the chain with the most detail (typically)
as your base object and work backwards. This vastly speeds up most
queries and the generated SQL will be essentially like what you would
expect with the usual joins, etc. It is really very intuitive once you
have done it but non-intuitive to most (some?, just me?) programmers
that have spent too much time working with SQL directly.
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