Re: cache lifetime

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 15:29:56 EST

  • Next message: James A. Hillyerd: "How to model many-to-many relationship with self?"


    Currently shared cache has no expiration. I couldn't find the right Map
    implementation ... I settled on the simplest LRUMap from Jakarta. Other
    alternatives where either too bulky (os-cache) or had concurrent access
    bugs... If anyone knows of a robust LRU Map with configurable expiration
    policy, I'd like to hear about it. I suspect in the end I may end up
    writing one myslef.


    > I'm trying a cached query for a mostly read-only entity -- setName(),
    > setCachePolicy(SHARED_CACHE), setRefreshingObjects(false) -- and it's
    > working fine. What's the expected lifetime of the cached results? Will
    > the query ever refetch from the database because the cache has expired
    > or been cleaned up in some way?
    > I guess if I want to insure that the query refetches from the database
    > occasionally, I should make the policy be LOCAL_CACHE so it gets
    > refreshed with each new dataContext, right?
    > Even if that last part makes sense, I'm still curious about how the
    > lifetime of the shared cache.
    > Thanks,
    > Bryan

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