Re: Hollow State in Tapestry app

From: Todd O'Bryan (
Date: Sun Dec 12 2004 - 09:11:35 EST

  • Next message: Todd O'Bryan: "Re: Hollow State in Tapestry app"

    How quickly we forget... I apparently had this problem before (see
    exchange below), but I must have switched my handling method so that I
    didn't put Cayenne DataObjects as parameters to DirectLinks. I seem to
    have tried it again, and it still doesn't work. To add to the
    information I posted earlier...

    Here's some debugging code:
    System.out.println("Forum is: " + theForum);
    System.out.println("Forum Name is: " + theForum.getName());
    System.out.println("Forum is: " + theForum);
    Here's the result:
    Forum is: {[]<oid: org.dupontmanual.cayenne.forums.Forum: <id: 260>;
    state: hollow>}

    Forum Name is: null
    Forum is: {[]<oid: org.dupontmanual.cayenne.forums.Forum: <id: 260>;
    state: hollow>}
    Here's the database:
    mysql> select * from forum;
    | id | name |
    | 260 | Intro to Programming |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    So it seems like the name should be coming up.

    I'm going to try storing the id as the parameter and then fetch the
    DataObject in the listener method. But I sure would like to know why
    this doesn't work.


      On Apr 26, 2004, at 4:58 AM, Todd O'Bryan wrote:

    > I think I had an epiphany.
    > I notice that my page properties which are CayenneDataObjects can be
    > set programmatically and work (contrary to the thread I mentioned),
    > but only end up in a hollow state if I pass them as a parameter to a
    > Tapestry DirectLink. I'm starting to think that the problem mentioned
    > in the thread has been fixed, but that passing a CayenneDataObject as
    > a parameter means that I'll absolutely have to refetch the object
    > I get the parameter.
    > Is this accurate?

    Not exactly. This may have been the case in 1.0, however in 1.1 there
      is a shared "snapshot" cache kept by DataDomain outside of DataContext.
      So your hollow object can be resolved without a fetch. To confirm that
      it works properly, turn on SQL logging and make sure no queries are
      generated when such a hollow object is accessed.


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