Hi All,
I'm having a problem with inheritance. I have the following tables,
where I am using Type as object type:
Role Role_Type
---- ---------
Name Name
Description Description
Type -> Role_Type
and the following classes:
Class Qualifier
----- ---------
SystemRole type.name = "system"
TimeSheetRole type.name = "timesheet"
Everything seems to be working well, except when I try to retrieve a
Role and test whether or not the role is an instance of TimeSheetRole,
something like:
r = Role.getRole(ctxt, VALID_TIMESHEET_ROLE_NAME);
if(r instaceof TimeSheetRole){
} else {
This statement would return False, not True as I'm expecting. Now I
know that the VALID_TIMESHEET_ROLE_NAME is actually a TimeSheetRole,
because my other test use the same value.
Dose any one have any ideas what my problem is?
Thanks in advance.
-- Justin DeutschRelevance... because results count
Relevance Phone: +61 (0)2 6241 6400 A.B.N. 86 063 403 690 Fax: +61 (0)2 6241 6422 Unit 11, Mobile: +61 (0)40 246 55 88 Cnr Brookes & Heffernan Sts, E-mail: Justin.Deutsc..elevance.com.au Mitchell ACT 2911 Web: http://www.relevance.com.au
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