=?iso-8859-1?Q? J=FCrgen=20Saar ?= <jsaa..eb.de> wrote:
> we are planning a Swing GUI for rich clients.
> There is one thing I'm not sure:
> Does the PK Generation a correct job,
> when there are many clients active?
Yes, provided either you use the default cayenne PK generation or provided
that the native database PK generation works multithreaded/multisession
(which I believe is also the case). Or to put it another way, the PK
Generation is done inside the database, so it's irrelevent how many clients
you have.
"Gentry, Michael (Contractor)" <michael_gentr..anniemae.com> wrote:
> This shouldn't be a problem. Cayenne caches blocks of primary keys by
default (I think 20 at a time -- this would be a cache of 20 for each table
at a time).
While this is true, it's done for performance reasons and doesn't impact the
correctness of PK generation.
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