Re: Newbie: connected user

From: Koka (
Date: Mon Jan 10 2005 - 01:19:32 EST

  • Next message: Koka: "Re: object id's are not sequential - ?"

    Thanks for prompt answers even on weekend.

    All works fine using the link provided by Andrus except that I found
    that sequence based PK generation SQLs ("select
    schemaName.sequenceName.nextVal from dual") are NOT prefixed with
    schemaname automatically (while the normal queries are), so one needs
    not to forget to add schema name to sequence name directly into the
    XML or GUI modelling tool... Maybe one should adjust
    OraclePkGenerator ...

    However, either I'm too unlucky or something's wrong with sequences in
    Cayenne / Oracle. I found that if I try to register
    (registerNewObject) new entities in a loop, commitChanges fails with
    primary key violated error if number of new objects exceeds sequence's
    cache parameter (default usually is 20) !? Looking at the neigbouring
    thread about ordering sequence generated IDs I suspect the problems
    are caused by multithreading and it could be Oracle fault in my case
    (Oracle 9).
    Any ideas?

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