Re: strange result of deletequery

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Wed Jan 26 2005 - 09:14:31 EST

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Errors trying to insert values on Oracle LONG data type with Cayenne"


    Do not use DeleteQuery as it won't update your object graph. This is not a
    bug - DeleteQuery (and its friends - Insert and Update) work with DB
    directly. For the curious, they were used internally by Cayenne in the
    past (before we switched to BatchQuery). While DeleteQuery still works
    performing its intended operation - deleting rows from DB, I am
    considering whether we should get rid of it all together to eliminate

    > Finally, the expected behaviour was after selecting the AddPers object
    > with a selectQuery and the same expresions and deleting with
    > dataContext.deleteObject(..);

    Deleting an object is the correct way - you should think in terms of
    objects and go with the standard Cayenne procedure. Also you can get rid
    of AddPers class at all (if it is just a join without fields of its own)
    and map n:m as a flattened relationship to be able to do something like


    > i have a n:m relation between Address & Person tables mapped with
    > AddPers table.
    > I wanted to delete the relation between a person and one address using a
    > deletequery.
    > So i did somethis like
    > Expression add = ExpressionFactory.matchExp("toAddress", a_address);
    > Expression pers = ExpressionFactory.matchExp("toPerson", a_person);
    > DeleteQuery delq = new DeleteQuery(AddPers.class, add.adnExp(pers));
    > dataContext.performNonSelectingQueyr(delq);
    > dataContect.commitChanges();
    > The object Addpers was delete properly but at the nezt fetch of Person
    > it still gave me the Address i just deleted ! So i used
    > dataContext.refetchObject(person) but with no effect.
    > the delete action between Addpers and address is nullfy and for person
    > the same.
    > Finally, the expected behaviour was after selecting the AddPers object
    > with a selectQuery and the same expresions and deleting with
    > dataContext.deleteObject(..);
    > It is a bug or i missed something in my code?

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