Re: caching of query results

From: Bryan Lewis (
Date: Fri Jan 28 2005 - 11:42:29 EST

  • Next message: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\): "RE: caching of query results"

    Okay, it's working now. This way works (as in the user's guide):

        // Starting with a named query...
        query.setRefreshingObjects(boolean refresh);
        headlines = dc.performQuery(query);

    What I was doing the first time didn't work:

        DataMap theMap = (DataMap) dc.getDataMaps().iterator().next();
        headlines = dc.performQuery(queryName, refresh);

    Somewhere I got the idea I was supposed to be using the second version of performQuery(), which wants the query to be stored in the DataMap. I guess one shouldn't try to use that except with queries that were created in the modeler GUI.

    Thanks! This feature is going to be very useful.

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