Cayenne vs EOF: How to questions?

From: Dov Rosenberg (
Date: Thu Feb 10 2005 - 17:52:40 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Cayenne: Is it thread safe as compared to EOF?"

    A few questions on the capabilities of Cayenne as compared to Apple EOF

    1. Does Cayenne support flattened relationships like EOF? If so, what is the
    2. I understand that Cayenne does not currently support EOPrototypes to make
    it easier to switch between databases, what is the Cayenne preferred method
    for supporting multiple databases? Seems like it has something to do with
    DataMaps. Not sure though
    3. How can I programmatically swap out my connection dictionary at
    application startup? I.e. Allow me to store userid/password in separate file
    from the cayenne.xml and update them when the app starts up.
    4. Is there a hook for generating primary keys on the client side similar to
    what we currently do with a DatabaseContextDelegate and our own guid
    5. Is there any Cayenne support for doing lightweight, high volume SQL
    processing (i.e. For batch updates)? EOF has too much overhead for large
    amounts of sql processing in batch mode. Ideally a smarter version of
    RawRowsForSQL that doesnąt create all the objects in an object graph.

    Thanks in advance.

    Dov Rosenberg
    Conviveon Corporation

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