Oracle10 jdbc and BigDecimals

From: Tim Mumford (
Date: Fri Feb 11 2005 - 18:23:30 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Oracle10 jdbc and BigDecimals"

    Hi All,
    I'm seeing a bit of strange behaviour (see below) that doesn't show up
    cayenne 1.1
    oracle 10g
    Oracle JDBC Driver version -

    but does show up when I switch the driver to:
    Oracle JDBC Driver version -

    The behaviour:
    I have DomainObjects that have attributes that are BigDecimals.
    Upon a commit, the data seems to be inserted correctly for these
    attributes except when the value to be inserted is 0 (zero). In these
    cases the value that is ultimately inserted turns out to be 8.
    (8.00000000 actually)

    The db entity's attribute is of the type NUMERIC with a max_length of 24
    and a precision of 8.

    Of consideration is that we are running JDK1.5 and the drivers are
    labeled for '1.4', but it does seem odd to me that the oracle 9 driver
    doesn't give us this problem.


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