Re: really newbie question about Expression

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 09:21:35 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Initializing DataSourceInfo"

    Jin Lee <> wrote:
    > Hey all,
    > Still trying to figure out more of cayenne and was wondering if anyone
    > can help answer a question about Expressions.
    > I have this table:
    > Table: dates
    > ------------------------
    > dateId
    > dateBegin
    > dateEnd
    > A user enters a date (userDate) and it gets converted to a java.util.Date.
    > I want the condition to be:
    > where userDate between dateBegin and dateEnd
    > What would be the correct Expression to handle this?

    Between is probably database-dependent.

    However, you can do
    where userDate >= dateBegin and userDate <= dateEnd
    where userDate > dateBegin and userDate < dateEnd
    depending on whether you want between to be inclusive or exclusive.

    qualifier1 = ExpressionFactory.lessOrEqualExp("dateBegin", userDate);
    qualifier2 = ExpressionFactory.greaterOrEqualExp("dateEnd", userDate);
    qualifier3 = qualifier1.andExp(qualifier2);

    While researching this, I found that there is a BETWEEN statement, but it
    doesn't seem to work on paths, only constant values.

                        new BigDecimal(10),
                        new BigDecimal(20)));

    Maybe you could open a JIRA enhancement issue on this, although this usage
    of BETWEEN may not be database-independent since it's operating on two
    fields rather than one.

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