Extended class

From: Koen Segers (KoenSeger..carlet.be)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2005 - 16:23:46 EST

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Extended class"


    In the derived classes I want to add functionality like
    isExistingUserName(DataContext, String);

    I believe I should make this method static, because it doesn't deal with an
    object of type User...
    My question now is: "Is this thread safe?"
    In ethereal I saw that begin, commit, .. are used for operations on the
    database. These commands are used for transaction management isn't it?
    Can I conclude then that cayenne is always thread safe?

    I'm using Tapestry as MVC.
    I know tapestry objects are automaticly thread safe.



    Koen Segers

    <koenseger..carlet.be> <http://eddyvite.dyndns.org>

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