Michael Mangus <mdmangu..mail.com> wrote:
> The other question I had is with using Cayenne.jar or jars in genaral
> in standalone appications. I had to extract the jars inside my
> application's root directory for them to be available to the
> appication. I tried putting Cayenne.jar and other jars in the root
> directory, but it would not load them.
> I think MIke Kienenberger might have answered these questions with his
> Manifest example. I'm new to deploying Java appications. I'm sure
> I'll learn a lot more as I attempt more projects in Java.
What I posted had to do with launching a program by double-clicking on a jar
(or using java -jar x.jar).
Much of the time, it's far easier to simply set up a valid classpath either
with the CLASSPATH environment variable or using the -cp or -classpath
option (as appropriate -- seems stupid to me that which one you use depends
on which java interpreter you use).
You can look at Cayenne's modeler.bat file as an example of how to do this
under Windows.
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