Re: query-attributes?

From: John Martyniak (
Date: Thu Mar 03 2005 - 09:28:16 EST

  • Next message: John Martyniak: "Re: query-attributes?"

    This would be another advantage of having that "application based view of

    You would have more control over the data relationships.


    On 3/3/05 6:56 AM, "Robert Zeigler" <> wrote:

    > Sorry for the confusion; Josh is correct about what I want to do:
    > define a filter for a relationship that I map in the modeler. =)
    > A couple of usage examples follow, if you're interested in specific
    > cases where this might be useful. =)
    > 2 tables (table definitions truncated =):
    > Form: id (int), name (varchar(32))
    > ForumMesages: id(int), forumid(int), parentid(int), message (longvarchar)
    > Now, you want to define a relationship like,
    > "topLevelMessages", which is the result of a query like:
    > select * from ForumMessages where forumid=? and parentid is null;
    > Is it possible to create such a "filtered relationship" within the modeler?
    > If possible, I'd like to avoid writing either of the following bits of code:
    > public List getTopLevelMessages() {
    > List messages = this.getAllMessages();//modeler-defined relationship
    > return ExpressionFactory.matchExp("parent",null).filterObjects(messages);
    > }
    > or
    > public List getTopLevelMessages() {
    > //top level messages is a query defined in the modeler
    > //it returns objects of type "ForumMessage".
    > //it has a single parameter, forum
    > String queryName="topLevelMessages";
    > Map parameters = new HashMap();
    > parameters.put("forum",this);
    > return this.dataContext.performQuery(queryName,parameters,true);
    > }
    > While neither snippet is much work, they are both mindless coding and
    > tedious to do if you have several such relationships. Sounds like a
    > great task for the modeler and generated code. =)
    > Any thoughts?
    > Thanks again,
    > Robert
    > Joshua Pyle wrote:
    >> I think he wants to be able to define that filter in the modler so the
    >> DB is queried using the filter.
    >> On Thu, 03 Mar 2005 08:40:04 +0100, J�rgen Saar <> wrote:
    >>> I don't know if I have the right understanding for your problem.
    >>> Do you want to set a filter for the List of objects living in a relation?
    >>> schrieb am 03.03.05 04:54:10:
    >>>> Is it possible to define a query which is then used
    >>>> as the basis for an attribute or relationship of an object?
    >>>> Basically, the situation is that I have table A with a field "ID".
    >>>> Table B has a field for tableAID, and are "children objects". However,
    >>>> I want to define a relationship that only grabs a subset of the children
    >>>> objects (ie, all of table b objects which have tableAID = table A.ID
    >>>> which also satisfy some other criteria). Is this possible? I know I
    >>>> could define a java method, getSubsetOfChildren or some such where I
    >>>> either do an in-memory filter of the child objects or else where I just
    >>>> run a named query and return the resulting objects. I was just curious
    >>>> if there was a way to map this directly. Thanks in advance!
    >>>> Robert
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