POJO question

From: Michael Engelhart (moosebrookfar..mail.com)
Date: Thu Mar 10 2005 - 08:26:44 EST

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Re: Cayenne modeler - need to generate setters and getters for primary key"

    Hi -

    I've been using Cayenne for a few days now in a test to port a new
    prototype project to use Cayenne from Hibernate. There's one nagging
    concern I have so far in my trials. My persistent objects are used in
    many circumstances that have nothing to do with their persistent
    quality . They were just POJO's that I pass around to other classes
    that need to access their data fields. Much of what is done in my
    system is read only from a persistence standpoint. But what feels
    weird is the sense that what I'm passing to my other classes is not
    really a POJO and that if I'm not careful, the data I need to access
    in another class is not going to be there (i.e. Hollow state). With
    Hibernate for example, once the object has been retrieved I am
    confident that what I'm passing around isn't going to magically become
    disconnected from a DataContext or the like. Also much of this is
    distributed data where it's being serialized through JMS message
    queue's on possibly remote application servers. I realize there's
    overhead but I can't really gauge how much more there is with Cayenne
    vs. a POJO. Obviously inherting from a subclass adds size to the
    serialized objects as well but I'm not familiar enough with things
    like CayenneDataObject and the intricacies of serialization to know
    how much.

    Is this is just something I'm going to have to get used to or is
    Cayenne not really what I'm looking for in the sense that 90% of what
    I'm doing is read-only database queries. The persistent objects
    also need to be changed inside the application but in general they
    won't need to be committed back to the database. The changes will
    usually happen to fields inside the subclass of the persistent objects
    but these fields can't be transient because they need to be serialized
    through the JMS message queues as well.

    So am I barking up the wrong tree with Cayenne? Part of my concern is
    just being new to a large framework but I don't want to spend time
    learning something like Cayenne if it's going to cause me more code
    maintenance headaches then another framework (hibernate - which I
    don't particularly care for, or another ORM framework).

    Thanks for any advice


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