Yes, I am experiencing the same problem, I believe.
The program will run for a few days, and then cayenne refuses to do any
database queries/updates. The program will still accept incoming requests.
I've been unable to get a trace of the deadlocked code on linux. I can
use the kill -QUIT/-SIGQUIT while the program is not experiencing
problems. As soon as it begins to have problems, I'm unable to use any
TERM signals to get a trace. How do you start your program?
I've got it registered w/chkconfig, and the program uses the following
to start:
java -Xms16m -Xmx192m com.smartserv.delivengine.SocketListener >> ${SERVER_B
ASE}/${prog}.console 2>&1 & echo $! > ${PROC_ID}
which basically redirects all output to a console file and the process
id to a .pid file so I can test if the server is running.
I've also tried stress testing to see if I could get the program to
reproduce the problem w/out any success. I can run thousands of queries
and it won't freeze... In production, it'll freeze after about 5/6 days
and only 800-900 requests.
Mike Kienenberger wrote:
>Orion Fields <> wrote:
>>Does the application run for awhile and then freeze, or does it freeze
>>after the first database access/commit attempt?
>In my case, it only happens after the application has been running a few
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