Querying for objects where the primary key does not equal a supplied value

From: Craig Turner (crai..ecalldesign.com)
Date: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 20:58:35 EST

  • Next message: Craig Turner: "Re: Querying for objects where the primary key does not equal a supplied value"

    Thanks for the help with the issue yesterday guys.

    I've found some resoures on getting an object out by its primary key,
    but is there a way to query by items that don't match a given primary key?

    Late yesterday I was trying to construct a query that excluded matches
    of the primary key for a table. The situation is that I have a series of
    locations, and their names must be unique. As part of validation I
    wanted to run a query to do this:

    select *
       from Location l
      where 1=1
        and lower(l.name) = '{location name to validate}'
        and id <> '{object I'm currently using}'

    The solution I ended up using to get around this was to get all results
    with a matching name, and then to the item I'm using from the list, and
    then see if there's anything left in the list. There's an alternative
    solution where you find out whether this is a new object or an existing
    object, and treat them differently. This gets complicated because you
    need to buffer the location name of the existing object in case of a
    name change. Both solutions seem less than ideal.

    (While trying to get this working, at one point I tried adding the id to
    the entity in the cayenne interface. However when I did this I think the
    object stopped creating the primary key automatically for new objects)

       - C

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