I want to generate something like this in each of my superclasses:
static public final User forPK(Object pk) {
return (User) DataObjectUtils.objectForPK(getCurrentDataContext
(), User.class, pk);
First of all, is this approach reasonable to do? Are others doing
something similar? getCurrentDataContext() comes from my custom base
class and pulls the DataContext from thread local storage. My goal
is to keep direct Cayenne dependence out of my Tapestry code, and for
things like looking up an object by its primary key, I'd like to that
to be clean and straightforward to use. My reliance on Cayenne will
ideally be indirect as in the above finder method.
Second - how can I get the package name of User when generating
_User? I have superclasses generated into a separate package than
the subclass objects (which I create manually).
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