Unknown Oracle Statement type error ?

From: Julien Vignali (julien.vignal..im.hcuge.ch)
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 07:05:53 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: Remote connection"

    Hi there,
    I have just encountered an "Unknown Oracle Statement type" while trying to configure Cayenne (1.2M4)
    with JNDIDataSourceFactory under Tomcat 5.5 and DBCP with the latest Oracle9i jdbc driver (ojdbc14.jar).

    Here is the log trace :

    INFO 17/05/05 12:46:50 - QueryLogger : SELECT t0.NODEID, FROM IDBUSER.DICOMNODES t0
    INFO 17/05/05 12:46:50 - OracleSelectTranslator : Unknown Oracle statement type:
    [org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.DelegatingPreparedStatement]. No Oracle optimizations applied.
    INFO 17/05/05 12:46:50 - QueryLogger : === returned 165 rows. - took 188 ms.
    INFO 17/05/05 12:46:50 - QueryLogger : +++ transaction committed.

    The connection & query are successful, but I am worried about the "No Oracle optimizations applied"
    message : does it really have an impact on query performance, knowing that my queries will remain
    relatively easy and handle a charge of 2-3 calls per second ?
    What sort of Oracle optimization would Cayenne use in a normal situation?
    And, of course, how can I get rid of this "warning" and get my Oracle optimization back ? :-)

    Julien Vignali

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