Are relationships between two datamaps in the same datadomain supported?
The modeler seems to (mostly) think that they are, in that I can set up
DbRelationships and ObjRelationships to a second map in my first map.
However, if I set up a "user" ObjRelationship on "Rank" to target
"SEC_INDIVIDUAL (AdminDb)", I get warnings like "ObjectRelationship
<Rank.role> has no DbRelationship mapping.", and my map contains entries
<db-relationship name="role" source="RANK" target="SEC_ROLE" toMany="false">
<db-attribute-pair source="ROLE_ID" target="ID"/>
And it kills cgen when I try to generate my class files, probably because it
can't find SEC_ROLE, since cgen only has access to one of the datamaps.
I'm ok with either hand-fixing these problems, or extending cgen to support
it better, but before I do that, I'd like to know that Cayenne really does
support this already. :)
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