On Sunday 05 June 2005 01:11, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
> > How can i force an update?
> Change an object in question and then call "DataContext.commitChanges
> ()" - that's it. If you can elaborate more on the details of what you
> are doing, myself or someone else may spot possible problems.
I used the commitchanges.
Explain what I'm doing... Not so easy, but I'll try.
I have table of sections.
Sections have subsections en so on... This way i have created a tree in my
database. This tree must be printed in a javascript tree.
Still with me?
The tree must be printen in correct order. Therefore I created a function that
sorts the tree. All this works perfectly.
The problem is now when I add a new section. Sometimes (I don't see any
particular scheme) it is inserted in the tree, sometimes not...
I checked with phpPgAdmin (yeah it's a postgres db) and the new section is
added to the db. So far so good!
I checked my html and the problem isn't in the java script tree. It just ins't
inserted in the tree.
Then I did an update of the page containing the tree and checked with ethereal
what transactions with my DB occurred. None...
Could the problem be the fact that i use my own list (the sorted one)...
Here's the sorted list algo:
*..eturn List of all child sections (of the baselayer) sorted by their
synchronized public List getSortedSectionArray(){
List unsortedList = new LinkedList();
List unsortedFullList = getSectionArray();
Iterator i = unsortedFullList.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()){
Section s = (Section) i.next();
if ((s.getToLayer().isBaseLayer())){
new Comparator(){
public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1) {
Section section0 = (Section)arg0;
Section section1 = (Section) arg1;
return unsortedList;
> > I checked with ethereal if there were any transactions to my database.
> Wow! Probably the first time I hear of using Ethereal to debug DB
> interactions (now I want to try it out myself :-)). I would also
> advise to check application log generated by Cayenne - http://
> objectstyle.org/cayenne/userguide/deploy/logging.html
Where do I put this rule?
log4j.logger.org.objectstyle.cayenne.access.QueryLogger = INFO
> Andrus
Thx for the help!
--Koen Segers
<koenseger..carlet.be> <http://eddyvite.dyndns.org>
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