Re: force update

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Sun Jun 05 2005 - 12:54:02 EDT

  • Next message: Dhruti Ramani: "Need help with removing some object"

    Now I can see two main suspects: "getSortedSectionArray" not being
    called in your code after the update and sectionArray/toSection
    relationship pair not being setup properly in the mapping. I guess
    you need to do some debugging to see what really happens.

    > Can you explain how i can write to a file using log4j?

    Chances are Cayenne log is already being written to the standard
    output of your web container (and container probably redirects it to
    a file). If this is Tomcat, check $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/ directory. There
    is probably a bunch of files there. Check both "catalina.out" and the
    latest localhost* file. On other containers there are similar default
    log locations.

    To set custom logging in a web application, I usually copy
    $CAYENNE_HOME/src/cayenne/.cayenne/ file to
    some location under WEB-INF/ app directory, customize it per Log4J
    documentation (this is not as bad as it sounds - usually you just
    need to tweak levels of the existing loggers - see lines starting
    with "log4j.logger.*" in a sample file, you may need to add a few
    more if you create your own loggers). Here is a link to Log4J quick
    start page:

    After that I bootstrap Log4J using one of the standard mechanisms
    from servlet spec. E.g. an old and proven one - initialization
    servlet. In this example it checks for "log4j-config" init parameter:

    public class StartupServlet extends GenericServlet {
         public static final String LOG4J_CONFIG = "log4j-config";

         public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

             // setup logging..
             String logFile = getInitParameter(LOG4J_CONFIG);
             if (logFile != null) {
                 try {
                     URL loggingURL = getServletContext().getResource
                     if (loggingURL != null) {
                 catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                     log("Error setting up logging, ignoring: " +

         public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse
                 throws ServletException, IOException {
             throw new ServletException("Unsupported...");

    [this goes to web.xml]:



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