Lower Case Class Name

From: Matt Giacomini (mgiacom..ltech.com)
Date: Fri Jun 10 2005 - 19:10:52 EDT

  • Next message: Matt Giacomini: "Re: Lower Case Class Name"

    I'm working with the Cayenne Modeler 1.1.2 on Windows
    XP SP2. Java version 1.4.2_05.

    I'm sure this was addressed somewhere here, but I
    searched and didn't find it. I'm having problems with
    the modeler generating classes that are lower case,
    even thought I have capitalized the first letter of
    the class.

    For example in the modeler my ObjEntityName is
    "Region", but when the modeler generates the classes
    the class is generated as "region". The class thinks
    it should be called "Region", and is generated as
    follows: "public class Region
    extends _Region {" . It is just the file name that
    comes out lower case.

    The Superclasses are also generated lower case.

    Any ideas?


    ~Matt Giacomini

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