RE: Getting relation with itself(same Object)

From: Gentry, Michael \(Contractor\) ("Gentry,)
Date: Mon Jun 20 2005 - 15:39:25 EDT

  • Next message: Dhruti Ramani: "RE: Getting relation with itself(same Object)"

    Cayenne should work just fine with PostgreSQL.
    The thing that confuses me is the error you list: pg_atoi, which sounds
    to me like "alpha to integer", so it seems to me somehow your table got
    created with that column (TABLE_NAME) set to be an integer. Do this in
    psql and see if yours differs:
    mrg=> \d AUTO_PK_SUPPORT
         Table "public.auto_pk_support"
       Column | Type | Modifiers
     table_name | character(100) | not null
     next_id | integer | not null

            -----Original Message-----
            From: Dhruti Ramani []
            Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 2:24 PM
            Subject: RE: Getting relation with itself(same Object)

            "Gentry, Michael (Contractor)" <>

                    Hmmm ...
                    If you click on the "Tables" tab in the modeler, is your
    "Deal" table selected (checked)? If not, click the checkbox and go back
    to the SQL Options tab. It should be in there now (assuming "Create
    Primary Key Support" is checked).
    >>> ya both where checked.
                    If that isn't it, you can always bootstrap it by hand
    using SQL:
    ('Deal', 200)
    >>> I have tried this it gives me this error:
                    pg_atoi: error in "Deal": can't parse "Deal"
                    (Note that the 200 is the first primary key to produce)
                    You didn't mention, but I hope you are using Cayenne 1.1
    currently. 1.2 is still in development and I know there are modeler
    changes, but I haven't looked into the differences yet.
    >>> Ya I am using cayenne 1.1 and postgresql as databse.

                            -----Original Message-----
                            From: Dhruti Ramani
                            Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 2:05 PM
                            Subject: RE: Getting relation with itself(same
                            hey thanks, you won't believe it but after I
    posted this question I did exactly what you sent here.
                            But now I have another problem. My "Deal" object
    should have 1 to 1 relation with this "TypeToken" and if I do that in
    cayenne modeler and generate the database schema it does not create
    entry for "Deal" class in auto_pk_support.
                            I also tried generating only "primary key
    support" for Deal but did not work.
                            Any help?
                            Thanks in advance,
                            "Michael Gentry (Yes, I'm a Contractor)"
    <> wrote:

                                    This seems to come up a lot. Might
    should add a wiki page for it, but until
                                    then, try something like these screen


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