Emre Yilmaz <emre.yilma..tr.com.tr> wrote:
> I want to set a table relation to null but I couldn't do this i get an
> Exception of nullpointer. How can I set a table relation null or like
> My code is here;
> Visitor visitor = getPersonel(identNo);
> Visitor visitor2 = getPersonelByCardNo(cardNo);
> if(visitor2==visitor){
> visitor2.setCardRel(null);
> }else if(visitor2!=null){
> visitor2.setCardRel(null);
> }else if(visitor!=null){
> visitor.setCardRel(null);
> }
> java.lang.NullPointerException
What's the next line of the stack trace?
The problem isn't setting the relationship null -- it's probably that
visitor or visitor2 is null, and you're trying to perform a method on a null
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