Need help with date query

From: Daniel Lorimer (
Date: Wed Jun 29 2005 - 15:51:51 EDT

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: Need help with date query"

    I'm working with date queries in Java using Cayenne as the ORM and MySQL as
    the database.

    What I want to do now is allow the user to select queries based only on the
    year, month, or day.
    For instance: all contacts born in 1967, all contacts with a birthday in
    March, etc.

    I know this can be done relatively easily in MySQL.

    My question is, is there an easy way to do this with Cayenne.

    I assume I have to build a SQLTemplate query. Is this correct?

    However, before I go building some complex query, I'd like to know if
    there's a simpler way.

    Either way, I'd appreciate some suggestions.

    Thanks so much,
    Daniel Lorimer

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