Following someone else's suggestion (so much for attribution of good
ideas), I save the .sql file but don't let the modeler modify the
My first SQL file is setup01.sql. When I want to add something, I
save it as setup02.sql and go in to remove all the drop and create
table statements plus the statements for AUTO_PK_SUPPORT that I don't
need (because they were taken care of in the 01 file). To set up a
test database, I just run all the .sql files in order. To modify my
production database, I just run the one file I've just created.
It does require some careful editing, but I don't usually add more
than a table or two on each iteration, so it's not so bad.
On Jul 1, 2005, at 9:11 AM, Erdinc Kocaman wrote:
> Hi all,
> How can you keep modeler files synchronized with db? I am adding
> fields to db and try to sync the modeler file but relation
> information of db entities(not object entities) is lost. What
> procedure do you follow to synch the modeler file?
> Thanks,
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