How do I use the Modeler to define a non key field as unique?

From: Joseph Hannon (
Date: Fri Jul 08 2005 - 14:48:15 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: How do I use the Modeler to define a non key field as unique?"

    I formerly used Hibernate as my orm framework and have switched over
    to Cayenne 1.2M4 to try it out. I am running a Fedora Core 3 Linux box
    for development. I have been working with the modeler tool and gotten
    some simple schemas and classes to work. I am used to writing my own
    schemas by hand and would commonly write the following inside a create
    table script for Oracle:

    create table PICARD
       OID integer primary key,
       FOO_BAR varchar2(100) not null unique
    ) ;

    PICARD.OID is the PK and PICARD.FOO_BAR is just unique. What I don't
    want is for OID and FOO_BAR to be a composite key. How would I do
    this using the modeler?


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