Re: How do I use the Modeler to define a non key field as unique?

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Mon Jul 11 2005 - 11:15:35 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: How do I use the Modeler to define a non key field as unique?"

    On Jul 11, 2005, at 7:00 PM, Joseph Hannon wrote:

    > Thanks for the replies! I was describing to a friend of how I was
    > getting used to posting to the Hibernate list and receive no response.
    > Here, I have three already.

    yeah, our list is usually pretty responsive and people are friendly ;-)

    > I am new to Cayenne and was under the impression that the modeler tool
    > would construct my relationships and build the DB for me.

    It will, but you need to understand its strengths and limitations.
    Schema generation feature is useful to Java developers during the
    design, prototyping and early coding stages when you frequently
    change the schema and do not yet have lots of valuable data. Modeler
    will create tables, PK and FK constraints and also any extra objects
    needed for auto-pk generation.

    But this feature is not intended for production database maintenance,
    so once you start adding extras to your tables (such as indexes or
    unique constraints) and/or get some live data, you'll have to switch
    to a more appropriate tool.


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