Reusable libraries [Was: Interesting Tomcat (et al) Issue ...]

From: Andrus Adamchik (
Date: Thu Jul 14 2005 - 09:42:50 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Kienenberger: "Re: Interesting Tomcat (et al) Issue ..."

    You can do it now, though some manual assembly is required. Just
    don't package cayenne.xml in your shared jar, only package the data
    maps. In a shared library scenario you'd have to leave the DataNode
    information out of the jar anyway as in most cases you can't predict
    how it is going to be deployed.

    That is not to say that we shouldn't improve this process in the
    future. I was thinking that the Modeler should support these two

    1. Library projects. I.e. DataMap-only projects without node or
    cayenne.xml files.
    2. Deployment Projects. I.e. projects with cayenne.xml listing "non-
    existing" DataMap references (those that come from some external jars
    at runtime).

    If there is interest in doing it right away, lets use cayenne-devel
    for this discussion.


    On Jul 14, 2005, at 5:12 PM, Gentry, Michael ((Contractor)) wrote:

    > Of course, this still doesn't solve the issue of needing multiple
    > Cayenne projects at the same time. For example, I couldn't easily
    > create a Cayenne-based user authentication/authorization framework/jar
    > that gets deployed to lots of other people for use in their
    > Cayenne-based application. Now you'd have two cayenne.xml files being
    > needed by one application and the default class loading will only find
    > the first. You'd want to keep both projects completely separate, even
    > though one depends on the other.

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