Re: Interesting Tomcat (et al) Issue ...

From: Mike Kienenberger (
Date: Thu Jul 14 2005 - 11:15:37 EDT

  • Next message: Kevin Menard: "Handling Unique Constraint Violations"

    "Gentry, Michael (Contractor)" <> wrote:
    > Keep in mind this mixing is because I'm doing development (and want set
    > breakpoints/etc in Eclipse to debug problems) on different applications
    > in the same app server (Tomcat, but could be something else) at the same
    > time. In a production deployment, they wouldn't be sharing the same
    > project in this manner since you'd most likely make a .jar file of your
    > framework and deploy it in the lib directory for each application (even
    > if they hit the same database).

    Have you considered handling this differently? What about running each
    application in a separate container instance? I stopped using Tomcat and
    switched over to jetty [launcher] because it seems to make everything
    None of my instances "share" with each other, and I don't have to constantly
    edit server.xml or mess around with contexts or anything. All of it's
    configured separately per launch configuration.

    > Of course, this still doesn't solve the issue of needing multiple
    > Cayenne projects at the same time. For example, I couldn't easily
    > create a Cayenne-based user authentication/authorization framework/jar
    > that gets deployed to lots of other people for use in their
    > Cayenne-based application. Now you'd have two cayenne.xml files being
    > needed by one application and the default class loading will only find
    > the first. You'd want to keep both projects completely separate, even
    > though one depends on the other.

    I agree on this point. I considered trying to set up frameworks for each
    of the different schemas in my current project. Of course, the
    cross-datamap schema relationships ended up making that less useful.

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