Re: change DataNode

From: Jacek Sałacki (
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 12:09:10 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: change DataNode"

    Dnia środa 31 sierpień 2005 05:58 pm, Gentry, Michael (Contractor) napisał:
    > If you need simultaneous access, this will do the trick (at least it works
    > for me):
    > If you only need to access one (and only one) at a time, given a certain
    > condition, there was a thread on that (I believe by Kevin, but I'd have to
    > go find it) which will also work. Let me know if you need that one.

    One and only one database at a time. Users should choose which database use at
    application start.
    Mayby you remember the topic of that thread you have mentioned?

    Jacek Sałacki

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