Trying to set qualifier on a saved query?

From: Jeff de Vries (
Date: Wed Aug 31 2005 - 14:09:29 EDT

  • Next message: Jeff de Vries: "Re: "Best Practices" for handling changes to database schema?"

    I'm trying to create a saved "object select query" using Modeler. My
    object has a boolean field named "availNew". In the "SelectQuery
    Settings" I'm entering "availNew" into the "Qualifier" text box. (I'm
    also setting "Shared Cache" and unchecking "Refresh Results" as this is
    a small, read-only table).

    In my code I'm doing:
       List result = dc.performQuery("MyQuery",false);

    What happens is I get an exception about "unnamed queries".

    I have other saved queries that are not using the Qualifier field that
    are all working fine, so it is something about the qualifier.

    Jeff de Vries

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