This is with a toParent join of source=PARENT_ID and target=CHILD_ID.
It's very insistent about creating the toParent relationship as
On 9/1/05, Mike Kienenberger <> wrote:
> I'm seeing the same behavior by creating a simple CHILD_ID/PARENT_ID DbEntity.
> It seems to get set this way once you inspect the toParent
> relationship a second time, and then hit done.
> Once it's set you can't unset it, and it also seems backward to me as well.
> On 9/1/05, Gili <> wrote:
> >
> > Given a table Theme with columns "id" which is the primary key and
> > "parent" which is a FK which points to the parent theme.
> >
> > I'm trying to understand why Cayenne says that "toParent" which is a
> > relationship which maps from Theme.parent to has "to dep pk"
> > enabled. Doesn't this imply that the parent theme is dependant on the
> > current theme and by extension if the current theme is removed, the
> > parent theme can't exist without it...? This seems to be wrong to me.
> > Can someone please explain?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Gili
> > --
> >
> >
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