Re: DataContext.performNonSelectingQuery()

From: Gili (
Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 14:23:52 EDT

  • Next message: Cris Daniluk: "Re: DataContext.invalidateObject(DataObject)"

    Andrus Adamchik wrote:
    > 2. Flushing invalid objects
    > Use DataContext.invalidateObjects(Collection). To invalidate all registered objects you can do something like
    > dataContext.invalidateObjects(dataContext.getObjectStore().getObjects ());

            So if I wanted to synchronize Cayenne state after using a SQLTemplate
    I'd have to invoke context.commitChanges() followed by
    Ideally I shouldn't have to commit the transaction yet. Is there a way
    for me to tell Cayenne "for all objects in the ObjectStore, merge the
    memory state with the DB state"?

    > 3. NOT IN SelectQuery
    >> from contentType as type where not in (select image.contentType
    >> from Image as img)
    > The closest thing without using SQLTemplate would be a query following
    > this FAQ -
    > +In+To+Many+FAQ E.g.:
    > // assuming you have a relationship "images" in ContentType object,
    > // this qualifier would filter content types that have at least one image
    > Expression qualifier = Expression.fromString("images != null");
    > List excluded = ctxt.performQuery(new SelectQuery(ContentType.class,
    > qualifier));
    > List all = ctxt.performQuery(new SelectQuery(ContentType.class));
    > all.removeAll(excluded);

            Ah! I keep on forgetting about these useful relationships! Though,
    couldn't I just do this instead?

    Expression qualifier = Expression.fromString("images = null");
    List result = ctxt.performQuery(new SelectQuery(ContentType.class,

            or is there a reason for using "all - excluded"?

    Thank you,

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