Re: DataContext.performNonSelectingQuery()

From: Gili (
Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 23:47:52 EDT

  • Next message: Andrus Adamchik: "Re: DataContext.performNonSelectingQuery()"

    Gili wrote:
    >> Umm, yeah - context.invalidateObjects(dataContext.getObjectStore
    >> ().getObjects())
    > Ok, so invalidateObjects() does not actually dump the object state
    > then? I was under the impression it removes any modifications that
    > occured since the DB instance was originally retrieved.

            I looked up the Javadoc again and it seems I was right.
    invalidateObjects() discards any modifications. This is not what I was
    asking for. I'm looking for a method which will re-read any unmodified
    attribute but not clobber any modified ones. If this request does not
    make any sense, please let me know why :P


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