Re: Getting up and running

From: Gili (
Date: Tue Sep 06 2005 - 11:45:52 EDT

  • Next message: Gili: "Re: Getting up and running"

            Paul... A lot of the questions I've posed over the past couple days are
    due to the fact I'm ramping up with Cayenne. I'm sorry if your inbox
    suffers but where else am I supposed to ask? As I mentioned in a
    previous email, I believe a lot of these questions would be better
    handled on IRC but right now the channel is empty ... so what else am I
    to do?

            Also please note that the aforementioned problem was not due to a
    missing Jakarta Commons library but due to a version conflict (which is
    harder to diagnose). Sorry for all the questions, though I don't think
    this in any way justifies sending me the link you did. Rudeness belongs
    on IRC, not mailing lists :)


    Paul Cowan wrote:
    > You need the Jakarta Commons library...
    > The volume of your questions has gone from humorous to annoying. Could you
    > give my bulging inbox a break and figure something out for yourself? Does: 1
    > person * 7 days * 2 lists * 120 messages (!) =
    > ? I apologize to our gracious
    > hosts and everyone else, I will say no more.
    > --- Gili <> wrote:
    >> I would appreciate some help getting Cayenne up and running. I ported
    >>most of my application over to Cayenne and my code finally compiles. Now
    >>when I try getting up and running I get:
    > org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils.singletonIterator(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/apache/commons/collections/ResettableIterator;
    >> at
    >> I've got cayenne.jar in my classpath. This would all go a lot quicker
    >>(and with less email on the list) if someone could join me at #cayenne
    >>on IRC :)


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